Case Classes

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Case classes are a special feature in the Scala programming language that provide a concise way to define immutable data structures. They are often used to simplify pattern matching and make code more expressive. In this article, we will explore the concept of case classes, their syntax, features, and how they can be used effectively in Scala.


In Scala, a case class is defined using the case keyword followed by the class definition. Here's an example of a simple case class:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

This defines a case class named Person with two parameters, name of type String and age of type Int. By default, case classes automatically generate the following:

  • An immutable constructor with parameters corresponding to the class parameters.
  • Getter methods for each parameter.
  • Useful implementations of methods such as toString, equals, and hashCode.



One of the key features of case classes is their immutability. Once an instance of a case class is created, its properties cannot be modified. This property makes case classes ideal for representing values that do not change over time, such as a person's name and age.

Pattern matching[edit]

Case classes are commonly used in Scala for pattern matching. Pattern matching is a powerful feature that allows you to match values against patterns and extract their components. Here's an example of pattern matching using a case class:

val person = Person("Alice", 25)
person match {
  case Person(name, age) => println(s"Name: $name, Age: $age")

In this example, the person variable is matched against the pattern Person(name, age). If the person variable is an instance of the Person case class, the values of its name and age parameters are extracted and printed.

Value equality[edit]

Case classes in Scala come with a built-in implementation of the equals and hashCode methods that provide value-based equality. Two case class instances are considered equal if their properties have the same values. This allows you to compare case class instances using the == operator instead of manually comparing each property.


Case classes also provide a convenient way to create copies of instances with modified properties. The copy method allows you to create a new case class instance with some or all of the properties changed. Here's an example:

val person1 = Person("Alice", 25)
val person2 = person1.copy(name = "Bob")

In this example, person1 is copied into person2 with the name changed to "Bob". The copy method provides a concise and readable way to make modifications to case class instances.


Value objects[edit]

Case classes are often used to represent value objects in Scala. Value objects are objects that are equal based on their values rather than their identity. They are typically used to model concepts such as money, dates, and addresses. By defining such objects as case classes, you can leverage the value equality and immutability features to ensure correctness and eliminate bugs related to mutable state.

Data transfer objects[edit]

Case classes are also commonly used as data transfer objects (DTOs) in Scala. DTOs are objects used to transfer data between layers of an application or between different systems. By defining DTOs as case classes, you can easily serialize and deserialize them using libraries like ScalaX and Jackson, as well as leverage pattern matching to extract and manipulate data.


Case classes are a powerful feature in the Scala programming language that provide a concise and expressive way to define immutable data structures. Their syntax and features make them an excellent choice for representing value objects, DTOs, and other types of data. By utilizing pattern matching, value equality, and immutability, you can write more robust and maintainable code. Explore the Scala documentation to learn more about case classes and their usage in Scala programming.

See Also[edit]