Collections in Scala

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Collections in Scala[edit]


Scala is a powerful programming language that provides a rich set of collection classes. Collections are an essential part of any programming language as they allow developers to store, manipulate, and process data efficiently. In this article, we will explore the various collection classes provided by Scala and understand how to use them effectively in our code.

Immutable Collections[edit]


The `List` class in Scala represents an ordered collection that allows duplicates. It provides several methods to add, remove, or access elements in the list.


A `Tuple` is an immutable collection that can hold elements of different types. It is often used to group elements together when the number of elements is fixed and known in advance.

Mutable Collections[edit]


`Array` is a mutable collection in Scala that represents a fixed-length sequence of elements. It provides efficient random access and modification of elements.


The `ArrayBuffer` class in Scala is a mutable collection that represents a variable-length array. It provides methods to add, remove, or update elements at both ends of the array.



The `Set` collection class in Scala represents an unordered collection of unique elements. It provides operations to add, remove, or check for the presence of elements in the set.



The `Map` class in Scala represents a collection of key-value pairs. It provides methods to add, remove, or update key-value associations.



A `Stream` in Scala is a lazy collection that evaluates elements only when they are needed. It can be used to represent infinite sequences or to delay computation until necessary.

Iterable and Iterator[edit]


The `Iterable` trait in Scala is the base trait for all collection classes. It provides common methods to traverse, filter, or transform the elements of a collection.


The `Iterator` trait in Scala represents a way to sequentially access elements in a collection. It provides methods such as `next`, `hasNext`, and `foreach` to iterate over the elements.


Scala provides a comprehensive set of collection classes that cater to various requirements of developers. Whether you need an immutable list, a mutable array, a set, a map, or a lazy sequence, Scala has got you covered. Understanding these collection classes and their methods will greatly enhance your ability to write expressive and efficient code.

See Also[edit]